Boost your rankings with intelligence.

SEO (or Search Engine Optimization) is central to your website’s visibility. It is an important way of communicating with Google and other search engines to prove the relevance of your site for users and their search queries.

Affordable SEO Services Plans for all Businesses

We have three different affordable SEO services and budget-friendly plans for all sizes of businesses

Our search engine optimization services cost is affordable and meets the budget for all sizes of businesses.

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Benefits of having a strong organic search strategy

There are numerous benefits to having a strong organic search strategy. And from a business perspective, you’re getting key insights into your audience. Here are just a few of the reasons SEO is important.

It’s low-cost
It delivers great ROI
It provides actionable data
It nurtures leads through the marketing funnel
It boosts credibility
It attracts relevant users

Our SEO services include, but are not limited to.

Improve your business’s visibility within search engines, increase organic traffic to your website and rank for the most valuable keywords. We are the SEO agency that will evolve your search performance and achieve more from your marketing spend.

SEO Strategy

An SEO strategy is an action plan designed to help improve a website’s rankings and increase organic search traffic. It’s a detailed to-do list that will help you focus on the things that bring in more traffic and revenue from SEO. Search engine optimization requires a very structured approach, and when done correctly, results in a valuable return on investment for your business.

Together with you, we develop the most appropriate digital marketing strategy per your current standing in the market & competition’s fierceness which helps acquire greater prestige, relevance, and visibility on the network.

Keyword strategy

When developing a keyword strategy, we use a number of tools to conduct keyword research alongside years’ of knowledge and experience to identify the most valuable keywords for your business. Identifying keywords with the best combination of search volume, relevance and ranking potential is where our keyword audit starts.

Few strategy highlights are below

  • Keyword Research
  • Search volumes
  • Current rankings
  • Competitiveness
  • Relevancy
  • Longtail
  • Questions
  • Geo-modified keywords

SEO Audits

We offer a wide range of functions for analyzing web pages and their performance in search engines. If you want us to look at your website as a whole and provide you with a detailed report and actionable insights, our audits are for you. We analyse the SERP landscape, competitor activity, keyword strategy or just dig deep into your website’s performance to outline your next steps and set you up with a plan of action for search engine domination!

Few audit tasks below

  • Slow site speed 
  • Wrong redirects 
  • Switching to SSL 
  • Bad UX on mobile 
  • Duplicate content 
  • Messy site architecture
  • And more SEO nightmares

Technical SEO

Technical search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the tactics involved in creating and optimizing a website so that search engines can readily crawl, index, and render it. Technical SEO is just one piece of the whole SEO puzzle. Most marketers and business owners leverage technical SEO to better their website’s chances to rank well in the search engine results pages (SERPs).Once on board, righting the wrongs is our first priority.
With a thorough technical audit of your website we identify and isolate the issues that are affecting your online performance, before our SEO experts and developers set out to fix them

Few examples are below

  • HTML, JavaScript, and CSS (programming languages)
  • Crawling, rendering, and indexing (how Google organizes itself)
  • Page speed
  • User-friendly sites
  • Thin/duplicate content
  • Canonical tags
  • Hreflang tags

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to SEO tactics applied outside of a website to improve its rankings. These tactics often include link building, guest posting, social media marketing, and more. The goal of off-page SEO is to get search engines (and users) to see your site as more trustworthy and authoritative. It’s one of the essential parts of a successful SEO strategy.

Few examples are below

  • Link Building
  • Content Marketing
  • Local SEO (GMB and Citations)
  • Reviews
  • Events

On - Page SEO

On-page SEO (sometimes called on-site SEO) is the process of optimizing parts of your web pages so they rank higher on search engines and get more search engine traffic. This includes updating on-page content, title tags, internal links, and more
Search engines use keywords and other on-page SEO elements to check whether a page matches a user’s search intent. And if the page is relevant and useful, Google serves it to the user.In other words, Google pays attention to on-page SEO signals when ranking pages.

Common tasks include:

  • Title Tags
  • Headings that Say It All
  • Rich Content—No Matter the Length
  • Internal Links with Optimized Anchor Text
  • On-page E-A-T Signals
  • Content that Answers ‘People Also Ask’ and FAQs
  • Descriptive Image Alt Text
  • Valid Schema Markup

Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your online presence to increase local traffic, visibility, and brand awareness. For businesses operating in a local area, or with multiple office locations, ranking in the local listings is of key importance. Success is measured by increasing visibility in specific geographical locations and driving customers ‘near you’ to your website.
Any business that has a physical location or serves a geographic area can benefit from local SEO.

Common tasks include:

  • Optimizing your Google Business profile
  • Finding local keywords
  • Creating locally relevant content.

Global SEO

Think Globally, Act Locally

We combine creative SEO tactics, enhanced marketing techniques, and high-end inbound content marketing to help businesses rank in the targeted country.

Any brand that strives to become an international one faces a challenge: going global actually means going local in many different countries at the same time. And you cannot get popular worldwide without knowing marketing specifics of particular countries you are targeting. So let’s find out how to build an international SEO strategy and discover actionable tips given by experts.

E-Commerce SEO

As an ecommerce store, you’re reliant on customers finding your brand and products online. Organic search is a cost-effective way to establish your online business and improve your online visibility which increases your click-through-rate, website traffic and your chances of converting more users. SEO is important for online stores for several reasons:
  • Increased relevant organic traffic that leads to more sales.
  • Increased brand awareness.
  • SEO’s effects are long-lasting, making it a great investment
  • Building Trust and Authority with your target audience.

Link Building

Link building is all about getting other websites to link to pages on your own site. In SEO, these links are called backlinks. The more high-quality backlinks a page has, the higher it can rank. Backlinks are one of Google’s most important ranking factors. Google and other major search engines consider backlinks as “votes of confidence” for the website getting the links. Each vote suggests your content is valuable, credible, and useful. So, if you want your pages to rank high in the Google search results, you will almost certainly need to do some backlink building. Here are some of the most popular link building strategies:
  • Content marketing
  • Email outreach
  • Broken link building
  • Unlinked brand mentions
  • PR

SEO Reporting

Detailed SEO reporting demonstrates the value of our efforts. Report on metrics that matter. But which ones matter in an SEO report? The answer is different from business to business.

However, people usually want to see

  • Organic traffic conversions
  • Organic traffic progress
  • Keyword ranking progress
  • Backlink growth
  • Website health

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