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Does My Business Need a Website?

Having a website boosts your credibility, increases your visibility, and improves lead generation. It’s your property; therefore, you have absolute freedom about how you want it to look and what you want to promote. It’s an excellent place to highlight positive reviews and answer any questions potential customers might have about your business.

Do I Need a Website if I Have a Facebook Page?
1. You Don’t Own Your Facebook Page
2. Facebook Has SEO Limitations
3. A Website is More Credible
4. Attention is Fleeting on Facebook

Benefits of a Website
1. A Business Website Makes You Look Professional
2. It’s an Essential Step in Your Customer’s Journey
3. A Website Increases Your Visibility
4. It’s Essential For Local Businesses
5. It Offers Social Proof
6. A Business Website Gives Lasting Value
7. Creating a Business Website is Easier and Cheaper Than You Think
8. A Business Website Lets You Sell Online
9. You Have Complete Control Over Your Website
10. A Business Website is Easy to Manage
11. Websites Improve Customer Service
12. A Website Helps You Edge Out The Competition

5 Reasons Why Your Business Doesn’t Need a Website

1. You’re Not Looking to Grow
2. You Have Enough Leads
3. You’re Not Hiring Any Time Soon
4. You’re Operating in a Virtual Monopoly
5. You Don’t Expect to Sell the Company Any Time Soon

The decision to either create a website for your business or not is ultimately yours to make. However, if part of your business goals is to improve lead generation, visibility, social proof, and authority, then creating a website is an excellent place to start.